Where to Get an Abortion If I Live in the United States?
While the fight for legal abortion is advancing in many other countries, the United States has regressed five decades by overturning the “Roe v. Wade” ruling. As you may know, this ruling protected the right to abortion at the federal level since 1973.
With this Supreme Court decision in 2022, many states have implemented strict restrictions or total bans on abortion, limiting access to safe and legal procedures for those in need. Following this event, many people have had to seek alternatives outside the United States to access reproductive health services and make decisions about their future.
MSI Mexico Foundation
If you haven’t considered it yet, you might think about traveling for a safe abortion—Mexico is a nearby and reliable option. And if you don’t know which legal abortion clinic to choose, we want to tell you a little about ourselves.
At MSI Foundation, we are present in 36 countries around the world, with over 45 years of global experience, and we’ve been in Mexico for more than 25 years. The abortion procedures we offer follow the protocols of the World Health Organization (WHO). We are certified by the National Abortion Federation (NAF), making us a completely reliable and safe alternative.
We are committed to providing an environment of empathy and support for those who choose us. We understand the concerns of those who must travel to another country for medical care, and we strive to create a safe and trustworthy space. We ensure that you feel supported at every step of the process.
Options for Legal and Safe Abortion
The two main procedures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the safe termination of a pregnancy are medication abortion and surgical abortion. Both are safe and effective, but one may be more suitable for you depending on the length of your pregnancy and your medical history.
1.Medication Abortion (Mifepristone and Misoprostol): If you are less than 10 weeks pregnant, edication abortion may be a suitable option for you. This procedure involves taking two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, which work together to safely terminate the pregnancy. Generally, you can take these pills at home, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, or start your process at a legal abortion clinic and continue from a safe space for you. The process is similar to a miscarriage, comparable to a heavy menstrual period, with bleeding and possible cramps.
2.Surgical Abortion (Manual Vacuum Aspiration – MVA): The MVA is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed at a legal abortion clinic by specialized medical personnel. It is a quick procedure, lasting 15 minutes, and is very safe. It involves removing the pregnancy from the uterus through suction, and you can resume your activities the same day. If you are traveling, the MVA is the most suitable procedure as it is straightforward and allows you to return to your activities the same day.
Why Choose Mexico?
Cities like Cancun, Tijuana, and Mexico City host some of our clinics in the country and are easily accessible from the United States. At MSI Foundation, we offer specialized services, top-notch facilities, highly trained medical staff, and an environment of empathy and support.
Moreover, the cost of medical care in Mexico is often more affordable than in the United States, even considering travel expenses. The prices for our services vary according to the procedure:
Medication Abortion: From $250 USD
Surgical Abortion (MVA): From $350 USD
Prices may change without notice.
Your Well-Being Is Our Priority
At MSI Foundation, you will find a safe and professional place where you will receive the care, attention, and respect you need. If you would like to consult more information about our services, visit our website in English. You are not alone; you have us.
Where to Get an Abortion If I Live in the United States?
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